There are so many women around the world experiencing menstrual issues each month Pain, discomfort, terrible cramps, irregular bleeding. Yet these are sometimes considered the norm. There can be so many reasons why we are experiencing these and some, if left untreated, can affect our fertility. Infertility has a number of causes that can be…
Breaking the silence by raising fertility awareness

Why fertility awareness is cool, with love from me to you

It all started when I was 10 years old! I remember rolling around on the floor wondering what on earth was happening and in total shock at what my body was doing to me! My beautiful mother explained and it became a part of life. I thought it was completely normal to feel the way…
June Sarpong on her egg freezing and putting her career first

June Sarpong made her name as a youth TV presenter on MTV and UK’s Channel 4 and in a recent interview has said she is wondering whether she will ever have children She has said the notion women can have both family and career is a ‘lie’. In an exclusive interview with You magazine, the…
Rita Ora reveals that she froze her eggs to delay motherhood

Singer and actress Rita Ora has revealed on TV that she had her eggs frozen in her early twenties on the advice of her doctor. On a morning chat show in Australia, Ora, 27, opened up about delaying motherhood until she was ready later in life and expressed her wish to have a large family.…