June Sarpong on her egg freezing and putting her career first

June Sarpong made her name as a youth TV presenter on MTV and UK’s Channel 4 and in a recent interview has said she is wondering whether she will ever have children

She has said the notion women can have both family and career is a ‘lie’.

In an exclusive interview with You magazine, the Loose Women presenter says ‘I’m part of a generation that totally put work over relationships’. She goes on to say ‘I don’t think I regret that – I’ve enjoyed it – but the lie was sold to us that you can have it all’.

As far as the prospect of becoming a mum

June says ‘I’m 40, so who knows? But I won’t feel a sense of dread if I don’t have children, I want to be a mother, but it doesn’t have to be biological.’

She has however kept her options open by having her eggs frozen by fertility specialist, Geeta Nargund, who gives the advice that ‘If your daughter isn’t in a serious relationship at 30 you should give her egg freezing as a birthday present.’

June adds ‘We should make sure young women know that although science is changing things, there is still a biological clock. If you want children, make it a priority.’

Here June talks about her egg freezing decision

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